Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

After reading below to see where you should be on your product website - are you caught up? What helps you stay caught up in class? Do you like having small checkpoints? Are you behind? If so, what are you going to do to get caught up?

I am for the most part caught up on my website. I just have to make sure that my header and footer are just the way I want them because I feel like they aren't just right yet. I stay caught up in class by trying to work efficiently and getting my assignments done. I do like having small checkpoints because they help me know whats going on and if I have to fix anything. I don't think I am behind, but I think I have one small assignment missing from a day that I was gone, so I am going to complete it at home with the links I have at BV Business!

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